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Honeymoon Wishes

           Keneith and I were both born and raised in Florida and spent most of our growing up in Clearwater. For a short time Keneith lived in Spring Hill. We both attended Clearwater High for a short period of time. ;] Keneith does air-conditioning for a living and right now I am a stay at home mom. Keneith and I met on Facebook in 2012. We talked for months and Keneith wanted to meet me and hang out for a very long time. I was very apprehensive and after a couple days of not hearing from him I decided to give him a call and see if he wanted to hang out. As it turns out, we haven’t spent a day apart since. We both at the time, were going through tough times in our life and felt a bond that to this day we cannot break. We tell each other every day that we love each other and make sure we never go to bed mad at each other. I never knew how to love a man until I saw how he loved his children. Keneith has become an amazing father to my son. I couldn’t be happier to have added a fourth addition to our family and I am excited and blessed to be sharing the rest of my life with him.

Keneith and I didn’t want to have a wedding at first. The more I thought about it the more I realized, I am only doing this once and it needs/should be a special day. We have had a glamorous baby shower for our baby girl, (thanks mom!) we should definitely have a wedding that celebrates our love for each other.  


Our wedding will be on/at the beach, we are still in the process of choosing an exact location and spot for the wedding. More details to follow on this. 


                The reception will be at my grandmother’s reception hall. We will have a homemade dinner and there will be liquor and beer but a very limited amount. We are trying to stay on a budget since we are mainly paying for the wedding by ourselves. Please don’t hesitate to bring your own beverage of choice. Of course there will be lemonade, Iced Tea and Water to drink.

As of right now we are still putting together the final details of activities and music. Children are more than welcome at the wedding and reception. I encourage people to bring their children so mine are not bored out of their minds. I am trying to put together special activities for them.


(Please check back often for more details.)

To our family and friends, Thank you. It's such a blessing to have you in our lives. Thank you for being our support system. Our encouragement, Our partners in crime, For loving us through the ups and downs in life, for being our mentors, teachers and guides. You have helped us to become who we are, and for that we are forever grateful. So we will enjoy this special time in our life and we hope that we will see you all there. Please let it be but a small gift for all that you've done. You are our favorite people in the world.

We love you,

Nicole & Keneith