Durelle & Dallas
Durelle & Dallas

Life is an adventure, better shared

Dallas Frost
Durelle Finster

April 7th 2024
Henderson Nevada
29 Days Ago

Dallas and Durelle met on E-Harmony 6/10/2020…. Yes, right in the height of covid! She messaged “Don’t be shy”...This is now the phrase on his custom license plate lol. So the journey began.

They spent the first month chatting on the phone. This became daily and increased to hours and hours each call. Dallas, who does tends to start out shy, found Durelle so easy to talk to… she even laughed at his dumb jokes. He was comfortable right away. In their forever talks, Durelle discovered Dallas to have a good moral compass, and felt he was someone she could trust and depend on. He made her laugh too. They had to meet!

Dallas drove five hours to Lake Las Vegas to meet Durelle. Sent red roses ahead and arrived in his red corvette. He was hoping to impress, and it worked. Is it any surprise the theme color for the wedding is a deep red?

Dallas & Durelle thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company and decided they were willing to overcome the challenges of a long distance relationship. Dallas managed this well as his transport company had him on the move already. He was then selective on which contracts he took, to land close to her. Durelle loved jetting off to see Dallas too.

They both enjoyed trying new things and traveling to new places. They shared their interests and hobbies, enjoying every minute of it. It’s was a whirl wind, between this, and getting to know each other’s friends & family. They soon knew this was a really good match.

October 2021 with the encouragement of his kids, Dallas proposed to Durelle on the top of the Smoky mountains, Tennessee. The next chapter is now the marriage of these like minded pair. Then off to a honeymoon in Europe! Dallas and Durelle are proof that “life is adventure, better shared"