Dyllan & Jacqueline
Dyllan & Jacqueline

Jacqueline & Dyllan Cancino's Journey Begins Soon!

Jacqueline Cancino
Dyllan Cancino

March 18th 2024
Paradise; Leaving Tampa Bay Florida
49 Days Ago

The first time I met the woman of my dreams was magical. She walked around the corner of her apartment building as I sat leaning up against my car, waiting for her... it was like everything moved in slow motion... the world stopped revolving, and all I could see was her. She was wearing a simple outfit, a brown turtleneck, and jeans, but the biggest thing that stood out about her was her eyes. They drew me in, pulled me into a trance, and never let me go...


The first time I met the man of my dreams, he was standing right next to his car, and it was kinda scary. I mean, have you met this guy? So tall and buffed, just waiting for me to get in his car. We made it to the breakfast place, and during that brunch and many conversations, something just clicked between us. He was so amazing, interesting, and funny. I just wanted to know more.