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As you may know Brett and Jessica have been together for 8 1/2 years. It'll be a whopping 9 years in October 2010.

Many of you have been waiting patiently for their wedding day to come!

We have so many happy memories together and we are looking forward to many more happy memories!

A lot of you probably already know how Brett and Jessica met or at least most of you have heard the short version.

In a nut shell, Jessica's father Jim introduced Jessica to Brett. It was Jim's plan all along to get them together!

Brett and Jessica became friends almost instantly. About 4 months after becoming friends Brett and Jessica decided to become an item.

The decision was Jessica’s; even though she had never once asked out a guy before, she needed to just suck it up and ask Brett to be her man!

Usually it is the woman who is being courted, though in this case it was the man! The MacLaren men do like to be chased, really what man wouldn’t want that?

So it was Jessica who made the call to Brett to suggest that they take it to the next level and officially become boyfriend and girlfriend!

At the time Brett was in Santa Cruz taking care of his Mom and helping out while Brett's father Tom was in the ICU.

Jessica and Brett would talk once (if not twice) a day while, he was away tending to his family matters.

Jessica was in San Diego and though she had offers to go out with other guys, she really just missed Brett.

The thing that finally sealed the deal for her and made her decide who she wanted to be with was, when she realized the kind of guy Brett is. Jessica realized Brett is a man who drops everything to go be with his family when they need him!

He’s the kind of guy who spends hours on the phone with the girl he likes. He’s the kind of guy that does what he can for people just because he really is genuinely kind.

Even though the two of them had only known each other for about 4 months, Jessica knew he was the man she wanted to spend her life with.

Brett and Jessica became an item in late October of 2001 and Brett's Dad recovered and left the hospital in November/December. That Christmas Brett took Jessica to Santa Cruz to meet the parents. It was so nice for Jessica to meet Brett's family and to have Tom home from the hospital, it was really great that Tom made it through all of the health problems he had!

Brett and Jessica's story is a very long and interesting one that takes place over the last 8 1/2 years. It would be torture to share all of their trials and triumphs they have faced together; suffice it to say, Brett has been the best thing that has ever happened to Jessica and Jessica is the best thing that ever happened to Brett.

No matter what the future holds for these two, you can be sure that Brett and Jessica are going to seek out the best case scenario and do what they can to make it their reality.

With a lot of love, attention and devotion the two of them can face anything together!

The small and intimate wedding ceremony and reception took place on August 21st of 2010. It was held at Byington Winery and Vineyard, which is located in Los Gatos California.

The link for Byington's website is:

Brett and Jessica's wedding ceremony took place atop Wedding Hill at Half past Five O'clock.

The ceremony was followed by a light service of appetizers and drinks, to begin at Six O'clock.

At a quarter till Seven O'clock, the Bride and Groom made their first entrance for the first time as a married couple!

Brett and Jessica have been anticipating the Grand Wedding Reception party to take place in San Diego since their engagement in 2008, they are very excited to celebrate with all of their loved ones on May 27th 2011!

The Newly married couple are so excited for their Grand Wedding Reception Celebration Party! The location of this party is set in Brett and Jessica's home town of San Diego, California.

Carlton Oaks Golf and Country Club is the location of our Wedding reception celebration.

Carlton Oaks is located in Santee, it's about 20 minutes from downtown San Diego and about 10 minutes from La Mesa where Brett and Jessica live. The ballroom and patio provides views of the pond, golf course and Mission trails mountains. The party planned for our guests starts at 6:30 in the evening and runs through 10:30pm.

Brett and Jessica are pleased to invite you to enjoy dinner, drinks, cake and dancing. For those guests who would like to stay overnight on the property, The MacLaren/Braden party have made arrangements for 25 rooms to be held for the night of the party. Rooms run approximately $70 and accommodations are on a first come first serve basis. The rooms are simple and modestly furnished, yet are perfect for those of you who'd rather not have to drive once the party is over.

As for the rest of your vacation in San Diego, there are many options when it comes to overnight accommodations. The best thing to do is decide where you will want to spend most of your time, with this information you can choose the region of San Diego that best suits your itinerary. The newly weds will be available through the long weekend to visit and host activities with those of you wanting to get together with them. For more information on San Diego activies, check out the website

The date of the reception will be Friday, May 27, 2011 which is memorial day weekend and a long weekend for most of us. Brett and Jessica along with their family would like to welcome all of you to join us for the weekend for activities around San Diego. You can check out our website for local attractions, accommodations and activities in and around San Diego.

Airport: San Diego International Airport

located off North Harbor Drive in San Diego, CA 92101

Hotels: See website under hotel accommodations

Welcome and thank you for checking out our Honeymoon wedding website and registry!

We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful location. We are so excited to welcome all of you to San Diego for our wedding reception!

The weather in San Diego in May is usually gorgeous and sunny! We are so blessed to have found each other and to have such wonderful supportive friends and family! We are looking forward to sharing our special day with you!

With all our love,

Brett and Jessica