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It is an interesting tale to how Mike and Sarah ended up meeting (and actually remembering).

In high school, Mike and Sarah's brother Greg were in the same year and were friends. They used to play chess constantly and make fun of each other for not being able to solve a simple addition problem while yet solving complex calculus problems. During high school, Mike only met Sarah once (she is 2 years younger) when Greg and Mike were coming back from a chess tournament in Nashville at 2:00 AM. Needless to say, neither one of them really remembers meeting.

Fast forward 7 years to the day before New Year's Eve and Greg's fiancée Dina (now wife, who Mike also when to High School with) sent Mike a message asking him if he was currently seeing anyone. After finding out that he was not, Dina suggested talking to Sarah via Skype the next day and to see how things played out. Now, Mike was somewhat skeptical about this, due to Sarah being Greg's younger sister, however; Mike agreed to talk to Sarah on New Year's Eve via Skype. So, the next day, Mike called and started talking to Sarah just getting to know each other. They spent over 3 hours talking to each other and Mike made sure to stay on the Skype call until it reached New Years where Sarah was and counted down the time with her. After the Skype call, Mike waited a few days before asking Sarah if she would like to go out to dinner and then watch the UNLV Basketball game. Sarah said yes and the stage was set for where they are today.